Welcome to the world of enterprise email marketing. This is a new world for you, but we’ve been here for a long time. We promise it won’t be as scary as it sounds. The first thing to do when you want to build an audience with an Enterprise Email Marketing campaign is to segment your email lists. After all, not everyone on your list will want or appreciate the same content from you some may prefer text emails while others prefer images; some like short sales pitches while others would rather read long-form content about your company and its products or services.
Segment Your Email Lists
Segmentation enterprise email marketing is the process of dividing a population into subgroups and then analyzing the behavior of each group.
You can segment your email lists based on:
- interests (e.g., sports, travel, fashion)
- location (e.g., city or region)
- demographics (age, gender)
- behavior (how often they open emails)
In addition to these more traditional ways of segmenting your email list, you should also consider product usage as a way to segment your audience if possible. For example, if you have an e-commerce business selling shoes online and want to send out offers for specific items based on what customers purchased in the past — then this would be an ideal situation where product usage would be something worth looking into!
Keep It Simple
When you’re sending out emails to a large group of people, it’s easy to get lost in the details. You may have a lot of information you need to share or you might be trying to make your email stand out among all the other emails in your inbox. But no matter what kind of enterprise email marketing campaign you’re running, there are some basic rules that will help keep things simple and effective:
- Make sure your message is clear and concise. The best way to do this is by keeping things short and sweet (but not too short). A good rule of thumb is between 50-100 words per paragraph if possible so readers can easily digest what they’re reading without getting bored or confused by too many details at once!
- Use a consistent format throughout all documents related to this project such as templates used for emails sent out by sales reps during business hours vs those sent out by support staff during non-business hours etcetera.
Use The Right Tool For The Job
You don’t use a hammer to drive in a nail, and you don’t use a chainsaw to cut paper. You also shouldn’t use your enterprise email marketing tool for the job of sending out mass emails. That’s because there are specific tools designed for that purpose. If you’re looking for an enterprise-grade email marketing solution, check out our guide here!
Personalize Emails
If you’re not already using a CRM to collect and manage your email marketing list, it’s time to start. A CRM (customer relationship management) system will help you build a database of contacts with all their contact information–including their name, company name, job title, and department at their company, so that you can easily segment your audience based on the information in the database. For example: “John Smith” works at Company X; I want to send him an email about my new product launch because I know he was interested in it when we spoke last month at an event; therefore I’ll send this message through our CRM system so that his name appears automatically in my subject line when I write out my email campaign script or template!
There are many ways that marketers can personalize emails without having access to customer data or building complex algorithms into their campaigns (like what Gmail does). Here are some examples.
You Can Build An Audience With Campaign
If you’re a business owner or marketer, then you know how important it is to build an audience with your email marketing campaign. But what do I mean by “build an audience”? Well, if we look at the big picture and consider the various ways in which people consume information online (and offline), we can see that there are two main types of content consumption: passive and active.
The difference between these two modes is simple: when someone views passive content such as video or audio, they aren’t really doing anything except sitting back and enjoying whatever it is they’re viewing; whereas active consumption involves clicking links or scrolling through articles–i.e., actively engaging with what’s being presented on screen/in print/etc.
We’ve covered a lot of ground in this guide, but I hope it has helped you understand the importance of email marketing for your business. Email is still one of the most effective ways to reach people and build an audience, so why not use it?