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The following is a Grocery Business Plan that discusses the executive summary, market analysis, and target market segmentation of a new grocery store. The plan also has an introduction to the business and how it will operate as well as its projected revenues for the first year. This is a simple overview with no financial projections included.

Table Of Contents

This Grocery Business Plan Table Of Contents is provided to help you quickly find the section of interest.

  • Executive Summary
  • Introduction To The Grocery Business Plan
  • Market Analysis & Target Market Segmentation
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Positioning Statement
  • Mission Statement
  • Vision Statement


Have you ever wondered how to start a grocery business? A grocery business plan is a comprehensive document that shows the market potential of a grocery business, its competition, and the challenges it will face. It contains a detailed description of the business idea and its background.

A good grocery store plan should include:

  • Market research – The research conducted by your team should be accurate so as not to waste time on unnecessary products or services. It will also help you avoid mistakes when developing your products or services
  • Product development – This section should contain information about how much money needs to be spent on product development, whether it’s an existing product or something new being launched into the market (i.e., food items).

Executive Summary

The Executive Summary is a short description of your entire business plan. It should be no more than 3 pages and include the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Problem Statement/Opportunity Analysis
  • Solution Description
  • Problem Statement/Opportunity Analysis – This section describes why you’re writing this plan, who it’s for, and why they should care about it. If you are writing for investors or lenders, then this is also where you would talk about how much money needs to be raised by when (the “funding requirements”) as well as how much equity ownership in the company they’ll get if they invest in it (the “equity structure”).

Market Analysis

The grocery business is a $600 billion industry in North America, and it’s growing. The market is expected to reach $700 billion by 2020.

The market share of your competitors will depend on the size and location of their stores, as well as their advertising budget and reputation in the community. You should also consider how much time you’re willing to dedicate to marketing your own brand when compared with other companies that are already established in this space.

If there’s room for another player in this space (and we think there is), then competition could be fierce! However, if everyone else has already saturated their local markets with similar products or services–or if they’re just not interested in expanding beyond where they currently operate, then yours could be one of only two businesses left standing from which customers can choose from when looking for fresh produce or groceries online at all times throughout each day without having any issues whatsoever.”

Target Market Segmentation

You should consider the following:

  • Demographics. Who will be buying your product? Are they male or female? How old are they, and what is their socioeconomic status (SES)? The SES of a person refers to how much money they make and what kind of job they have. For example, if you’re selling an organic food product like kale chips, then you should target middle-class families with children who live in urban areas. You may also want to consider whether there is a specific type of customer that would be most interested in your grocery store–for example, if you sell vegan products only then focus on young adults who are vegetarian or vegan themselves!
  • Income level/location/socioeconomic status (SES). If possible try targeting people with higher incomes because these types of customers tend to spend more money on groceries than those with lower incomes do; however, keep in mind that some low-income families do buy more than others due to having multiple kids so don’t forget about them either! It’s also important not only where but also WHY someone lives where he does because sometimes certain neighborhoods might not allow certain businesses inside their borders so before opening up shop near one place over another make sure everything checks out first before committing yourself fully into something which could potentially go wrong later down the road after opening day arrives.”

Simple To Read And Understand

This grocery business plan is simple to read and understand. It’s also a good example of how to write a grocery store business plan, with clear and concise language that helps you get started right away. You’ll find this document easy to read because it has been written in plain English without any fancy jargon or complicated words, so you can start work on your grocery store today!


The grocery business is a $700 billion industry, and it’s growing every year. You can be part of this growth by opening your own store or expanding your current one with new innovations that will keep customers coming back for more!